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Thursday, August 03, 2006
Untuk Suami dan Istri
Renungan Ida Arimurti : Untuk suami ...

Pernikahan atau perkawinan menyingkap tabir rahsia.
Isteri yang kamu nikahi tidaklah semulia Khadijah,
tidaklah setaqwa Aisyah pun tidak setabah Fatimah.

Justeru isterimu hanyalah wanita akhir zaman,
yang punya cita- cita menjadi solehah ...
Pernikahan atau perkahwinan mengajar kita kewajiban bersama.
Isteri menjadi tanah, kamu langit penaungnya.
Isteri ladang tanaman, kamu pemagarnya.
Isteri kiasan ternakan, kamu gembalanya.
Isteri adalah murid, kamu mursyidnya.

Isteri bagaikan anak kecil, kamu tempat bermanjanya.
Saat isteri menjadi madu, kamu teguklah sepuasnya.
seketika isteri menjadi racun, kamulah penawar bisanya.
Seandainya isteri tulang yang bengkok berhatilah meluruskannya ...

Pernikahan atau perkawinan menginsafkan kita perlunya iman dan taqwa.
Untuk belajar meniti sabar dan redha Allah swt.
kerana memiliki isteri yang tak sehebat mana

Justeru kamu akan tersentak dari alpa,
Kamu bukanlah Rasulullah saw,
Pun bukanlah Sayyidina Ali Karamallahhuwajhah,
Cuma suami akhir zaman yang berusaha menjadi soleh... amin.

Untuk isteri pula.. renungkanlah...

Pernikahan atau perkahwinan membuka tabir rahasia.
Suami yang menikahi kamu tidaklah semulia Muhammad saw ...
Tidaklah setaqwa Ibrahim,
Pun tidak setabah Ayyub atau pun segagah Musa,
apalagi setampan Yusuf.

Justeru suamimu hanyalah lelaki akhir zaman,
yang punya cita cita membangun keturunan yang soleh...
Pernikahan atau perkahwinan mengajar kita kewajiban bersama.
Suami menjadi pelindung, kamu penghuninya.
Suami adalah nahkoda kapal, kamu penumpangnya.
Suami bagaikan pelakon yang nakal, kamu adalah penonton kenakalannya.
Saat suami menjadi raja, kamu nikmati anggur singgasananya.
Seketika suami menjadi bisa, kamulah penawar obatnya.
Seandainya suami bengis lagi lancang sabarlah memperingatkannya..

Pernikahan ataupun perkawinan mengajarkan kita perlunya iman dan taqwa,
Untuk belajar meniti sabar dan redha Allah swt,
Kerana memiliki suami yang tak segagah mana...

Justeru kamu akan tersentak dari alpa.
Kamu bukanlah Khadijah yang begitu sempurna di dalam menjaga,
Pun bukanlah Hajar yang begitu setia dalam sengsara,
Cuma wanita akhir zaman yang berusaha menjadi solehah ... amin ...

Justeru itu wahai para suami dan isteri.
jangan menuntut terlalu tinggi,
seandainya diri sendiri jelas tidak berupaya

Suami & isteri ingatlah:

Mengapa mendambakan isteri sehebat Khadijah, andai diri tidak semulia Rasulullah.
Tidak perlu mencari isteri secantik Balqis, andai diri tidak sehebat Sulaiman.
Mengapa mengharapkan suami setampan Yusuf, seandainya kasih tak setulus Zulaikha.
Tidak perlu mencari suami seteguh Ibrahim, andai diri tidak sekuat Hajar dan Sarah..
posted by tlup12 at 11:20 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Love is a condition or phenomenon of emotional primacy, or absolute value. Love generally includes an emotion of intense attraction to either another person, a place, or thing; and may also include the aspect of caring for or finding identification with those objects, including self-love. Love can describe an intense feeling of affection, an emotion or an emotional state. In ordinary use, it usually refers to interpersonal love, an experience usually felt by a person for another person. Love is commonly considered impossible to define.

The concept of love, however, is subject to debate. Some deny the existence of love, calling it a recently invented abstraction. Moreover, approximately 13 percent of cultures reportedly have no word for love.[1] Others maintain that love exists but is indefinable; being a quantity which is spiritual, metaphysical, or philosophical in nature. Love is one of the most common themes in art. An unfinished debate about the authenticity of love as other-regard began with Friedrich Nietzsche's charge that love is merely an ideology constructed by the weak to mask "resentment" about their lack of power. Critics of Nietzsche's view find gratuitous his assumptions that self-interest and the "will to power" overshadow all other concerns.
posted by tlup12 at 5:50 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, July 17, 2006
Q & A: Avocado pluses win out
Q: A friend of mine, who is a nutritionist, says I should eat avocados to reduce my risk for heart disease. My doctor says not to eat them-they're too fatty. Can you settle this and tell me what to do?

A: Sure, but what kind of answer do you think you'll get? I love avocados and believe that the benefits far outweigh the fat content.

Technically, both your nutritionist and your doctor are correct. Avocados are high in calories-about 200 calories for half a cup, according to the USDA Nutrient Database. Between 70 and 90 percent of the calories in avocados are from fat, but it's mono-unsaturated fat, which lowers cholesterol and subsequently your risk for heart disease. It's the same with olives and olive oil.
The avocado beats all other fruits (yes, it is a fruit) in beta carotene and potassium content.

If you are on certain diuretic drugs and have been told to eat a banana or drink orange juice daily for potassium, you should know that avocados are even better-at 485 milligrams each, they contain more potassium than both bananas and OJ. For diabetics, avocados are a great choice because they don't contain a lot of sugar or starch.

Avocados contain heaps of protein, potassium, folic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, biotin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin E and vitamin K. Two other nutrients stand out as crucial to health. The first is beta sitosterol, which may ease symptoms of BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy). Guys, you may end up needing medicine costing hundreds of dollars a month, but one avocado will set you back about a dollar, and lab analysis shows that avocados contain about 76 mg beta sitosterol per 3 1/2 ounces of raw, edible fruit. I'm not suggesting dollops of guacamole on top of meat-stuffed cheese burritos; I mean sliced avocados on top of a salad.

The second nutrient in avocados is glutathione. You need glutathione to stay alive and process dangerous byproducts in the body. We produce it, but aging, certain drugs and disease conditions wipe it out. Avocados contain 15 to 20 mg of glutathione per 3 1/2 ounces. Glutathione is so helpful to the liver and digestion that studies have shown a correlation between eating glutathione (from fruits and veggies) and a lower risk for cancer, specifically oral and pharyngeal cancer.

Glutathione may be depleted from the body by many drugs, including acetaminophen (Tylenol), and depletions can cause joint pain. If you take this medication, it's good to supplement with glutathione, or eat lots of foods that contain it.
posted by tlup12 at 8:11 AM | Permalink | 0 comments